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Blog image POOJA KUMARI JHA Shared publicly - Apr 28 2020 7:30PM


Dear students !! Good evening:: The topic today is requirement engineering process intitiation

Initiating the Requirement Engineering Process

The steps required to initiate the requirement engineering process are:

  1. Identifying the stakeholders
  2. Recognizing multiple viewpoints
  3. Working towards Collaboration
  4. Asking the First Questions

We will see all the steps one by one

  1. Identifying the stakeholders;   The stakeholders are anyone who benefits in a direct or indirect way from  the system  which is being developed. For example business operations manager, product managers, marketing people, internal and external customers, end users, consultants, product engineers, software engineers, support and maintenance engineers and others. Stakeholder has different view of the system. He achieves different benefits when the system is successfully developed and is open to different risks if the development effort should fail. The requirement engineers should create list of people who will contribute inputs as requirements are elicited
  2. Recognizing multiple viewpoints:  Due to existence of many stakeholders the requirementsof the system  will be explored from many points of view. For example the marketing group is interested in functions and features that will  excite the potential market, making the new system easy to sell. Whereas the business managers are interested in a feature set that can be built with in  budget and that will be ready to meet defined market windows.So while going the requirement engineering process the engineers should keep in account of the different view points of the different stakeholders so that any aspect of the system is not ignored

The next two topics in next part....

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